Algae Reuse: Algae Crude Oil

We need to recycle the nutrients in our water and clean it up.

We need to reduce the amount of carbon released from locked away sources under the earth, and rely more on carbon negative cycles that remove carbon from the atmosphere at a faster rate than it is introduced. learn more about this

To accomplish these goals we are working to make crude oil the same way the earth did over millions of years, except instead of using the earth to make heat and pressure, we use the sun.

We are working to cook algae into crude oil by using the sun.  Our strategy has 3 main parts:

1) Collaborate

We want to keep the innovation process open and to engage with as many people and organizations as possible to help clean up their water.

2) Keep it simple

We want to use as few inputs as possible so that the end product is as cost-effective as possible.

3) Use what we already have

We want to use the nutrients that are already in lakes, streams, and waste water so that we keep costs low and solve two problems at once.  We will us algae strains that already grow, so we don’t have to worry about contamination.  We will create crude oil so that we can utilize our existing energy infrastructure, even if the resulting product varies in composition.